CBRE's Contribution to the Biodiversity Net Gain
Lucinda Lay highlighted CBRE's commitment to creating a sustainable future, mainly through the support of clients and the private habitat bank market in preparation for the requirement of Biodiversity Net Gain.
"We aim to see a healthy and smooth-running market in 2024," Lay said, "Reducing any delay to developments and ensuring well-planned and executed enhancement and management of habitats."
CBRE's strategy involves aggregating the market's Biodiversity Net Gain units to create a one-stop shop for developers seeking BNG units. Their oversight of nearly 100% of the market gives them the unique opportunity to find the best solution for each client.
"Given our insight into regional development, CBRE is uniquely positioned to advise habitat banks where and when to come to market, driving delivery in the locality of future developments."
CBRE's Initiative Towards Preserving and Enhancing Biodiversity
Lay shared insights into CBRE's work in the BNG landscape, particularly their efforts to educate developers on the requirements for creating Biodiversity Net Gain and protecting it for 30 years.
"We have supported several clients in evaluating the options regarding land and offsetting, looking at cost, liability, environmental impact, and much more," Lay noted, "Working with developers and designers to implement nature into their designs is one of the most rewarding activities."
Future Challenges and Opportunities in the BNG Landscape
As for the future of BNG, Lay pointed out several key barriers that need to be navigated, including taxation, long-term governance and monitoring of habitat banks, and a need for LPA ecologists to review planning applications.
"We need to look at land use across the UK more collaboratively," Lay observed, "There are competing priorities around energy, food security, climate change and nature. I would like to see a joined-up approach that enables development and balances our other needs better."
Throughout this enlightening conversation with Lucinda Lay from CBRE, we have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). CBRE's commitment to creating a sustainable future is evident in its extensive work towards preparing clients and the private habitat bank market for BNG requirements. Their innovative approach includes aggregating BNG units, educating developers, and working collaboratively to integrate nature into design. The highlighted challenges, namely taxation, governance, and a lack of ecologists underscore the importance of a collaborative approach to land use.
As one of the industry-leading operators, CBRE is uniquely positioned to offer market oversight and promote transparency for developers and Local Planning Authorities (LPAs). Their profound knowledge of the BNG landscape and commitment to sustainability positions them as critical players in this field.
The future of land use lies in the heart of such collaborative and sustainable approaches, and we look forward to seeing how CBRE and other stakeholders continue to shape this landscape.
Get Involved
If you are a stakeholder interested in contributing to this ongoing series, we would be delighted to hear from you. We strongly believe in the power of shared knowledge and collaborative effort in driving forward the BNG agenda. You are invited to contact us with your insights, experiences, and ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact us.