Enquire about our BNG Units

Wildflowers grow along a disused train track.

We take great pride in offering you a diverse portfolio of BNG Units that are readily available to meet your immediate needs.

Moreover, our Bespoke Habitat Banking and Legacy Shield services have been meticulously designed to cater to a broad spectrum of requirements, ensuring that you find the precise support you need 
with us.

We recognise that every project is unique, and our dedicated team is committed to providing you with personalised assistance tailored to the specific stage and needs of your project.

To facilitate this, we encourage you to complete our BNG Unit Request Form. Once submitted, a member of our team will promptly get in touch to offer you expert guidance and support, ensuring a smooth and successful path forward for your project.

BNG Unit Enquiry Form

Secure BNG Units to support your next project

Complete our BNG Unit Enquiry Form and see how Legacy Habitat Banks can help you.

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